Thanks  -  buíochas


Kim Sjøgren

James Blennerhassett

Niclas Sjøgren

Ger Fahy

Niamh Dunne

Robbie Walsh

Jimmy Mahon

Éilís Egan

Peter Lowrey

Debbie Lowrey

Liam Daly

Conor Ledwith

Mary Irvine

Yvonne Fahy

Máirín Hayes

Ivan O’Shea

Barry Conboy

Padraig Rynne

Chris Kelly & Máirín Fahy

Joe Smyth

Aoife Moriarty

John Henson

for magical melodies & accompaniment, jaw-drop moments, much fun and joviality. Not forgetting the lovely Vanessa Sjøgren who has given me the best of Danish hospitality on many many occasions.

for magical ears, great editing, great playing, technical knowhow, tolerance and 20,000 leagues of patience...

for his angelic vocals in “The Whistling Gypsy”.

for the use of his composition, Dublin Airport.....and making the hair stand on back of my neck - he just keeps doing it .....

for making the Danish Pastry melody her own, what a talent!

for extreme bodhrán playing

for adding his talent for playing pipes and whistles

for the use of her recording of Na hEalaí.

for his early involvement and abundance of patience in recording & playing on this album in its various incarnations.

for TLC, singing and hospitality - some fiddle & mandolin too!

for beautiful paintings which he allowed me to use as artwork for the CD. Browse Liam’s artwork at   

for his wonderful landscape photography

for TLC, advice, love, patience and encouragement.

for advice and chats

for suggestions, daughterly criticism...

for his ears, suggestions and ‘open door’ policy..!

for mixing advice.

for music business savvy....

for encouragement & providing a stage for performing

another one of the Well Wishers, for spectrum analysis, historical contexts and musical advice.

For artistic and design advice

My personal Synth-doctor. Thanks for techie skills  keeping all my keyboards, antique and otherwise, in running order.

Photo by Conor Ledwith